Not All Are Excited
I was looking at my journal and realized that payday was coming up. I wasn't able to contain myself and I exclaimed at the dining table. I'm afraid that sometimes, it's hard for me to contain my emotions irregardless of who I am with or where I am at. While waiting for my meal, I borrowed a newspaper and saw on the front page about the three people who were going to be executed this week. I suddenly felt bad. While I knew that most of us are looking forward to this week, there are three people who are feeling so dreadful and desperate and helpless all at the same time. I can only imagine what that three people must be feeling at this moment. I will know eventually what they are feeling when my hour of death comes. I can only pray for them. I guess that we are all living our own lives. And we may not be aware of other people's ordeals from day to day. But it's hard for me not to care about people who are facing their impending doom. The most hurt...