2012 Scare

A fellow resident doctor was asked to attend a seminar a few days ago.  It was only now that he told me that it was a Mass Casualty preparation.  

He stated that before the seminar started, the consultant was citing a study done by the Japanese which revealed that once the Marikina Valley Fault Line takes effect, the whole of Manila will be destructed.  The region will be divided into four, all bridges, roads and airports will be destroyed and no one will be able to flee outside of Manila.  Infrastructures including homes and buildings will topple down.  The day after the Big One, at around 40,000 casualties will appear and maybe more.  All forms of communication will become nonexistent.  Everything is in chaos.  

They didn't state when.  

They only studied the effect of the fault line once this is disturbed. 

We will never know when.  We just have to be ready for it.  Everyday.


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